From Expired to Desired: How 1597 Clay Rd Sold Within 30 Days

When it comes to real estate, first impressions can make or break a sale. At Fruitful Home Staging, we’ve seen how thoughtful design and presentation transform even the most challenging properties into irresistible gems. That was exactly the case with 1597 Clay Rd, a property that sat unsold before its owner brought us in to [...]

From Plain Jane to Comfortable Chic Home Staged and Sold in 1 week

This weeks staging was of a flipped split level home that was already sitting on the market with little interest. The 1st thing I always do when I get properties like this, is walk through the property with "buyer eyes" to try and determine what about the home may be turning buyers off. This particular home had great bones, [...]

Old World Elegance with New World Style Staged Home

Staging this home was very bitter sweet to me, because I LOVED this house when we first purchased it 2.5 years ago, but we have decided to utilize the equity that we have in it and downsize to continue to invest and grow in our business. So I had to take a step back, put on my [...]

Mid Century Modern Meets GLAM Staged and Sold in 2 days

We had the pleasure of staging this super classy mid century modern home that is absolutely stunning. The investor wanted to make sure this property had a few touches of GLAM appeal, so I had blast incorporating the historic mid century character of the home with GLAM while still keeping a cohesive look. I think we nailed it! [...]

Ralph Lauren with Rustic Bungalow Home Staged

This week we had the awesome opportunity to stage a super cute and cozy bungalow. To keep with the warm and cozy feel of this home we opted to do a warm yet casual design with touches of Rustic throughout the home. When I was thinking of a name for the look and feel of [...]